7iber Joins Storymaker Training in Morocco

November 5, 2013

StoryMaker is an open-source Android app that helps citizen journalists create better stories. Partly a training tool and partly a production tool, the app works to improve the quality of reporting, and is especially useful in the Arab world.

Global Voices is working with Free Press Unlimited, Small Worldand the Guardian Project to develop and conduct training for the app. 7iber is supporting Global Voices by working with trainers, and peer reviewing content that is produced by participants.  Recently, a training of trainers was held in Rabat, Morocco with 5 future trainers in coordination with the Ibn Rochd Centre. An overview of the app, its security procedures, and available story formats were covered in the session. Participants worked on creating stories, working on formats and story ideas, and practicing training skills.

Mohammed Nasri of Small World News was the lead trainer, and he traveled from Tunisia to participate.

If you are interested in learning more about the project, you may find further information here. To download and start using the app, click here.

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