Dark Side of the Spoon | A Pirate Patch

الأربعاء 09 شباط 2011

(click on image for larger version)

The Dark Side of the Spoon is a comic strip created, written and penciled by Mike V. Derderian, and inked and colored by Waleed Qutteineh.

The first official episode appeared in U Men’s August 2009 issue—Thank you Shirene.

It follows the lives of Mako, a Mako shark with amphibian abilities and the appetite of—duh—a shark, and, Me-ouch, a one eyed well-read cat.

How did they end up living in an underground pad in Amman’s Al Balad area? To cut a long story short…wait for and read upcoming episodes…

Legal deposit number @ National Library (2009/6/3266)

المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية

رقم الأيداع لدى المكتبة الوطنية: 2009

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