Lecture: The Knowledge Industry

الإثنين 12 تشرين الثاني 2007

The Knowledge Industry, by: Prof Hisham Ghassib
(A Lecture on the Sociology of Science)

The main thesis of the talk is that knowledge has become an industry in the modern era, perhaps the biggest industry in the modern economy. Why has this transformation occurred? It is certainly related to the great transformations that have occurred in the structure of material production in the last 200 years. What are the specific features of the modern economy that have given rise to this industry on such a gigantic scale? The talk addresses this issue, and then deals with the nature of this industry, its components, mechanisms, specificity (almost, uniqueness), and epistemological and ontological conditions and requirements.

Host: The Jordanian Astronomical Society (JAS)

Time and Place
Date: Thursday, November 15, 2007
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: The JAS Cultural Forum @ the Haya Cultural Centre, Shmeissani

Contact Info
Phone: 0096265534754
Email: [email protected]

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