Photo Story | The Monochrome Streets Of Amman

الإثنين 07 كانون الثاني 2008

Photography: Laith Majali
Equipment: Leica M6 , 28mm f/2.8 Carl Zeiss lens, on Kodak Tri-X film
Location: Downtown Amman

A Journey Up The Hill

“Photographers make photos from the seemingly uninteresting and make them interesting through the tools in their hands and the eyes in their mind.” – Chris Weeks, Street Photographer, Los Angeles.

The Watch Repairman

The Tailor

“To take photographs means to recognize – simultaneously and within a fraction of a second – both the fact itself and the rigorous organization of visually perceived forms that give it meaning. It is putting one’s head, one’s eye and one’s heart on the same axis.” – Henri-Cariter Bresson, French Photographer

‘He asked me to take his picture. He wanted to be standing, had to convince him to sit and actually smile.’

‘He was selling turmos. If I am not mistaken, he is blind.’

“The marvels of daily life are exciting; no movie director can arrange the unexpected that you find in the street.” – Robert Doisneau, French Street Photographer

‘People were in photo mode; third guy to ask for his picture to be taken.’

‘The service/taxi/bus stop, hip shot as I was walking down the hill.’

12 responses to “Photo Story | The Monochrome Streets Of Amman”

  1. M.Shaltaf says:

    Very good work
    Really nice
    We all have “Fathi Hanafieh water tank”

  2. M.Shaltaf says:

    Very good work
    Really nice
    We all have “Fathi Hanafieh water tank”

  3. moayad says:

    i am living in dubai
    I miss u AMMAN , Amman in the heart

  4. moayad says:

    i am living in dubai
    I miss u AMMAN , Amman in the heart

  5. Ruba S. says:

    nice, very nice ~ Amen, Amman is in the heart

  6. Ruba S. says:

    nice, very nice ~ Amen, Amman is in the heart

  7. hello,nice a street photographer my self,and it is nice how people are reacting with you..good job keep it up

  8. hello,nice a street photographer my self,and it is nice how people are reacting with you..good job keep it up

  9. Amman Voice says:

    I am sure they will look much beautiful in full color. Thx

  10. Amman Voice says:

    I am sure they will look much beautiful in full color. Thx

  11. murphy says:

    These are great. I love them in B&W.

  12. murphy says:

    These are great. I love them in B&W.

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