European Street Art Festival in Amman ~ 3rd edition

الإثنين 25 آب 2008

European Street Art Festival in Amman 3rd Edition
29th August – 6th September 2008

The European Union Delegation to Jordan, and The French Cultural Center along with Productions Bis and Greater Amman Municipality present The Street art festival in Amman. The festival, which is sponsored by Al Balad Theatre, Air France, Jordan Cement, Orange, Cultures France, and Spedidam, will be celebrating its third edition this year.

Street art, music styles, and modern dance are all essential in developing a dynamic and democratic culture, because it’s not imposed by institutions and traditions but rather created as a daily exchange between people and cultures creating a living entity of art that transcends borders. This art, which is yet to be developed in Jordan, and especially in Amman, utilizes public spaces around cities and towns and transforms them into both real and abstract theatres.

The festival, which starts on the 29th of August, will host six performance companies from France as well as the Jordanian Al Balad Theatre Company.


Friday August 29 Hussein Park Dynamogene/Toute ouie/ Al Balad theatre company/ Makadam Kanibal/ La Salamandre 6 PM
Duration 3 hrs

Saturday August 30 Down Town Dynamogene/ Toute ouie/ Al Balad theatre company/ Makadam Kanibal/ La Salamandre 6 PM
Duration 3 hrs

Sunday August 31 Wakalat StreetDynamogene/ Toute ouie/ Al Balad theatre company/ Makadam Kanibal/ La Salamandre 6 PM
Duration 3 h

Thursday September 4 Wakalat street
Le SAMU/ Marieettonio/ Balad Theatre company 9 PM
Duration 2 hours

Friday September 5 Jara/ Rainbow Street
Le SAMU/ Marieettonio/ Balad Theatre company 9 PM
Duration 2 hours

Saturday September 6 Down Town
Le SAMU/ Marieettonio/ Balad Theatre company 9 PM
Duration 2 hours

Email:[email protected]

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