Jordanians Say Farewell To Bush

الأربعاء 21 كانون الثاني 2009

7iber – Around 200 Jordanians gathered at the Professional Association Complex in the Shmisani district last night to bid US President George W. Bush farewell. While Barack Obama, the 44th US President, was busy being sworn in on television, Jordanians tossed their old shoes at a large poster of Bush until it was eventually torn down.

Meanwhile, protesters waved posters of ex-Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein in memory of his execution during the Bush presidency. However, midway through, leaders of the protest began to argue amongst themselves and words quickly turned to pushing and shoving as a fight broke out, lasting only a moment before slogan-chanting brought the stunned crowd together again.

4 responses to “Jordanians Say Farewell To Bush”

  1. ramsey says:

    That video is hilarious.

  2. ramsey says:

    That video is hilarious.

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