عمان في الظلام يوم السبت

الأربعاء 25 آذار 2009

هذا العام ، ستنضم عمان،إلى قائمة طويلة من مدن العالم في اطفاء  الاضواء لمدة ساعة بمناسبة “ساعة الأرض”. الهدف من هذه المبادرة هو دفع قضية الإحتباس الحراري العالمي في امام الشعوب والحكومات في كل مكان. هي ساعة واحدة فقط ، يوم السبت 28 من الساعة 8:30 الى الساعة 9:30 مساء


هل تعتقد انها مبادرة جيدة؟ هل تعتقد أن الناس سيفهمون لماذا لا تعمل الكهرباء ؟ هل تعتقد أن الناس في عمان ستصبح أكثر وعيا لقضايا البيئة؟  هل للمبادرة أية فوائد؟

إذا كنت مدون ، اكتب عن الموضوع  قبل الموعد المحدد لنشر الرسالة. إذا كنت أحد القراء ، أخرج لالتقاط صور أو فيديو في مناطقكم و معالم عمان المظلمة. اكتب عن ذلك. و أرسل ل حبر.

 دعونانعرف رأيك



Amman to go dark this weekend

This year, Amman will be taking part in joining the rest of a lengthy list of world cities in turning off their lights for an hour to mark “Earth Hour”. The idea of the initiative is to push the issue of global warming in to psyche of people and government everywhere.

It is just one hour, and it’s on a Saturday the 28th of March.

Do you think it is a good initiative? Do you think people will understand why the electricity won’t be working? Do you think people in Amman will become more conscious of the issues that revolve around the environment?  Do you think the initiative has any values?

If you’re a blogger, blog about it ahead of time to spread the word. If you’re a reader, go out and take pictures or video of your neighbourhood or Amman’s darkened landmarks. Document it. Write about it. Send it in to 7iber to get published.

Let us know what you think






7 responses to “عمان في الظلام يوم السبت”

  1. Ali says:

    This is a great idea, But what are the places that are planing to turn off the lights ?

  2. Ali says:

    This is a great idea, But what are the places that are planing to turn off the lights ?

  3. Earth Hour 2008: Call to Action Jordan movement brought the city’s first Earth Hour to Amman where many jordanian residents eagerly participated with people turning off their lights between 8 and 9pm on March 29,2008.

    Candlelight could be seen flickering in apartments located near the city centre, and several families throughout the city hosted Earth Hour events at private residences.

    Earth Hour 2009: At 8:30 pm on the 28March millions of people around the world will use the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.

    Mark your calendar and join The World Wild Life Fund and our partners in the global “Earth Hour” movement by turning your lights off.

    Where Will the Lights Go Off? Anyone can get involved and individuals around the world will be shutting the lights off in their homes and businesses. In addition, major participation is planned on six continents.

    Jordan will also turn off lights at all public buildings and many main roads on Saturday for one hour on the occasion of the Earth Hour at the aim of increasing awareness on environment to save power and alleviate carbon emission. Electricity will be switched off in certain parts of the capital on Saturday evening for one hour in a message to the public that excessive electricity use contributes to global warming, Minister of Environment Khalid Irani told The Jordan Times on Sunday, noting that as certain street lamps and public agencies will go dark, Amman residents are requested to join the event voluntarily.

    Several families and private businesses are hosting Earth Hour events at private residences, cafés and restaurants where candlight are going to be visible glowing in the dark.

    As members of the WWF we are proud to have introduced the Earth Hour phenomena to Jordan!

    As for Amman streets that will turn off lights:

    – Rainbow Street – Jabal Amman
    – Street of Culture – Shmeisani
    – Omar Matar Street, opposite – Ras Al Ain
    – Wasfi Al Tal Street
    – Zahran Street, between the 5th and 6th circles
    – The street from Jamal Abdul Nasser Square (Interior Ministry) to Zeid Ben Shaker Square (Sports City)
    – Greater Amman Municipality’s main square

  4. Earth Hour 2008: Call to Action Jordan movement brought the city’s first Earth Hour to Amman where many jordanian residents eagerly participated with people turning off their lights between 8 and 9pm on March 29,2008.

    Candlelight could be seen flickering in apartments located near the city centre, and several families throughout the city hosted Earth Hour events at private residences.

    Earth Hour 2009: At 8:30 pm on the 28March millions of people around the world will use the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.

    Mark your calendar and join The World Wild Life Fund and our partners in the global “Earth Hour” movement by turning your lights off.

    Where Will the Lights Go Off? Anyone can get involved and individuals around the world will be shutting the lights off in their homes and businesses. In addition, major participation is planned on six continents.

    Jordan will also turn off lights at all public buildings and many main roads on Saturday for one hour on the occasion of the Earth Hour at the aim of increasing awareness on environment to save power and alleviate carbon emission. Electricity will be switched off in certain parts of the capital on Saturday evening for one hour in a message to the public that excessive electricity use contributes to global warming, Minister of Environment Khalid Irani told The Jordan Times on Sunday, noting that as certain street lamps and public agencies will go dark, Amman residents are requested to join the event voluntarily.

    Several families and private businesses are hosting Earth Hour events at private residences, cafés and restaurants where candlight are going to be visible glowing in the dark.

    As members of the WWF we are proud to have introduced the Earth Hour phenomena to Jordan!

    As for Amman streets that will turn off lights:

    – Rainbow Street – Jabal Amman
    – Street of Culture – Shmeisani
    – Omar Matar Street, opposite – Ras Al Ain
    – Wasfi Al Tal Street
    – Zahran Street, between the 5th and 6th circles
    – The street from Jamal Abdul Nasser Square (Interior Ministry) to Zeid Ben Shaker Square (Sports City)
    – Greater Amman Municipality’s main square

  5. ramsey says:

    Books@ cafe shut off their lights last night, as did Old view (just down the street). There were candles instead.

  6. ramsey says:

    Books@ cafe shut off their lights last night, as did Old view (just down the street). There were candles instead.

  7. […] عمان في الظلام يوم السبت […]

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