Picture of the day: Amman in the Rain

السبت 25 نيسان 2009

20 responses to “Picture of the day: Amman in the Rain”

  1. Heba Hadad says:

    sob7an allah wut a beautiful pic!

  2. Heba Hadad says:

    sob7an allah wut a beautiful pic!

  3. Diana says:

    That is such an amazing shot..I wish I could capture anything that beautiful. Ive seen ur work, ur very talented mashallah. Keep it up!

  4. Diana says:

    That is such an amazing shot..I wish I could capture anything that beautiful. Ive seen ur work, ur very talented mashallah. Keep it up!

  5. zak says:

    Thanks man. I like it alot 😀

  6. zak says:

    Thanks man. I like it alot 😀

  7. Ali says:

    this is such an awseme picture, love it

  8. Ali says:

    this is such an awseme picture, love it

  9. Mais says:

    Wet Amman… that’s an amzaing picture… i like it

  10. Mais says:

    Wet Amman… that’s an amzaing picture… i like it

  11. Laith says:

    Thanks all, i’m glad you like the pic. It’s why one always needs to have a camera handy.

  12. Laith says:

    Thanks all, i’m glad you like the pic. It’s why one always needs to have a camera handy.

  13. Mayyasi says:

    Perfect !!! this is the first time i ever see rainbow in Jordan 😀

  14. Mayyasi says:

    Perfect !!! this is the first time i ever see rainbow in Jordan 😀

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