رحلة بالقطار Journey By The Train

الثلاثاء 08 أيلول 2009


As kids, there always seems to be this fascination with trains. When we grow older, the fascination doesn’t ebb but it seems to intensify. Maybe it is more of a fascination of large machines, but either way, trains are cool and have an important place in history.

Watch this view of the newly resurrected train between Amman and Zarqa. Also, read this previous piece about the old Hijazi railroad. Its a wonderful short hike that is close to Amman.

Film by Mohammad Jaradat. Originally posted on ikbis.

2 responses to “رحلة بالقطار Journey By The Train”

  1. Ali Dahmash says:

    This is the worst experince than taking the trip from Mecca to Istanbul 100 years ago during the Otthoman empire! When can we follow countries like the Dubai Metro? Seriously this project needs a revamp

  2. Ali Dahmash says:

    This is the worst experince than taking the trip from Mecca to Istanbul 100 years ago during the Otthoman empire! When can we follow countries like the Dubai Metro? Seriously this project needs a revamp

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