7iber MeetUp: A Writing Workshop

March 31, 2010

On Saturday, the 3rd of April, 7iber is hosting a writing workshop at Makan Art Space in Jabal alWeibdeh. The workshop will go from 11-2PM.

meetup_5The writing workshop will be led by Alma, who is a creative writer and publishes a monthly column in JO magazine. Saturday’s session will discuss creative ways to tell your story for a web audience. Alma will lead participants through writing exercises. Also, if you have something you’ve written, please bring it for discussion.

We encourage readers of 7iber who have have submitted pieces to join us, as well as those you hope to submit pieces to 7iber. This is a fantastic opportunity to practice your writing and storytelling skills!

If you have any questions, or to confirm your attendance please email [email protected]. See you on Saturday!

7iber Meetups are a regular Saturday event. We bring together interested writers, photographers, and artists to work and share their skills with others. If you are interested in hosting a workshop or attending, please contact us. If you can’t make it this Saturday, but want to be included in other events, send us an email.

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0 responses to “7iber MeetUp: A Writing Workshop”

  1. razanali says:

    met7amssseeeh kteer 😉

  2. razanali says:

    met7amssseeeh kteer 😉

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