Have your Say: Expression, Censorship, and Art | شو قولك: التعبير، الرقابة، والفن

الإثنين 04 تشرين الأول 2010

By Nidal al-Khairy

عندما تعبر عن رأيك وأفكارك في حيز عام، هل تمارس رقابة ذاتية؟ ما هي أهم أسباب الرقابة الذاتية لديك؟ أسرتك؟ عملك؟ المجتمع؟ المخابرات؟ الدولة؟
ما هي المخاطر التي أنت مستعد لأخذها من أجل التعبير؟

ما هو الموضوع الذي تتمنى أن ترى تغطية وحوار عام حوله ولكنه غائب أو مغيب لأسباب تتعلق بالرقابة؟
ما هي أشكال مقاومة الرقابة؟
كيف ترى العلاقة بين الفن والسياسة والتعبير العام من خلال الفن؟

شاركنا رأيك هنا… وانضم اليوم الاثنين للحوار العام الذي يستضيفه مكان مع فنانين وصحفيين ونشطاء لمناقشة هذه الأسئلة وغيرها، الساعة ٧:٣٠ مساء

When you express your opinions and thoughts in a public forum, do you practice self-censorhip? What are your main reasons for self-censorship? Family? Work? Society? The Mukhabarat? The State?

What are the risks you’re willing to take for expression?

Is there a subject you would like to see covered and discussed publicly but you feel it’s absent because of censorship-related issues?

How do we resist censorship?

What’s the relationship between art and politics? How do you see public expression through art?

Have your Say here… and join the public debate today, Monday October 4th, that Makan is hosting with artists, journalists, writers, and activists around similar questions, at 7:30 pm.

0 responses to “Have your Say: Expression, Censorship, and Art | شو قولك: التعبير، الرقابة، والفن”

  1. Nooneknows says:

    بس هذا مش مقال , هذا سؤال!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Here is a relationship for you: The more pictures you see of a living leader,the more oppressed and less developed the nation will be. I am not implying causation,just a close to perfect correlation.

  3. Anon says:

    Art expresses the minds of those who do have too much to risk losing by speaking out, especially if it’s about an entity that people blame but can’t do so directly. When that art expresses them, it is able to make them realize something, or see it differently, so that they would see a problem or a solution subjectively, maybe even stop blaming themselves.

    Art would help the people with too much to lose, and thus a silenced voice, express themselves, and maybe even empower them to stand united against what they see as wrong. No entire population (with the melancholic exception of Ghaza) can be caged.

  4. friend says:

    Expression??? What is that?? A new perfume??

  5. […] However, what may be the case for books is not necessarily the case for all literature or information. Jordanian web magazine 7iber.Com still felt censorship sufficiently problematic to have started a discussion last month about “expression, censorship, and art.” […]

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