Immediate Vacancy: Wireless (LaSilkee) Project Assistant

الإثنين 07 تموز 2014

Wireless (LaSilkee) is a 7iber program that aims to push the dialogue on the interplay between technology, culture, and politics in Jordan and the region through research-based content. We create critical content that examines the effect of different technologies we use on our understanding of ourselves, communities and politics. It also explores the extent to which policy affecting technologies is changing our consumption and production of information. The topics we tackle include: privacy, network neutrality, intellectual property, convergence, digital media, and online mobilization. Wireless (LaSilkee) aims to take this dialogue to Wireless (LaSilkee)Rountables and expand the realm of topics to an offline community with intersecting interests. 7iber is currently looking for a full-time Wireless (LaSilkee) Project Assistant to join its team. The position is best suited for enthusiasts and researchers assessing the social and political impact of technologies and the Internet. The Wireless (LaSilkee) Project Assistant is expected to commit to at least 6 hours of work daily from 10am to 4pm at the 7iber office. He/She will be expected to accomplish the following tasks:

– Coordinate eight Wireless (LaSilkee)events, one each month, that can take the format of roundtable discussions, workshops, screenings debates or even parties.
– Produce content pieces around the sessions’ topics or within the general scope of Wireless (LaSilkee).


– Knowledge of current global discussions and debates on rights, policy, technology and the Internet.
– Technical understanding of Internet infrastructure
– Event planning and organization skills
– Good research/writing skills
– Technical experience is a plus

To apply send us your CV, cover letter, two writing samples to [email protected]. Last day for receiving applications is July 30, 2014..

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