ENRON: The Smartest Guys in the Room

The United Nations University- International Leadership Academy in Amman- Jordan has established a Film Society and will be screening movies on regular basis.

The Film Society is a cornerstone of the UNU-ILI’s community outreach program. Through the Film Society we offer free or low-cost film screenings that are open to any and all. Sometimes these screening are connected to our Leadership Courses, sometimes not; but they all promise to excite the mind and spur conversation on topics that are pertinent to the United Nations’ Mission and Mandate.

On Saturday the 15th of March, we are screening a Documentary entitled “ENRON: The Smartest Guys in the Room,” it will be at 5:30 at the UN University Building located 50 Meters from the University of Jordan main gate.

About the film…
This Documentary is based on the best-selling book of the same name by Fortune reporters Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind, a multidimensional study of one of the biggest business scandals in American history. The chronicle takes a look at one of the greatest corporate disasters in history, in which top executives from the 7th largest company in this country walked away with over one billion dollars, leaving investors and employees with nothing. The film features insider accounts and rare corporate audio and video tapes that reveal colossal personal excesses of the Enron hierarchy and the utter moral vacuum that posed as corporate philosophy. The human drama that unfolds within Enron’s walls resemble a Greek tragedy and produce a domino effect that could shape the face of our economy and ethical code for years to come.

For more information, please contact Nada.

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