A Nation’s Freedom Fleet

By Farah Mehdawi

The recent military attacks on the Freedom Flotilla seem to have gotten parts of the world wonder about the Israeli madness, as one would expect. But this time I thought I should just watch my nation’s reaction on such attacks and see if it’s going to be any different, while reflecting on past reactions to similar incidents.

Let us just think for a moment about each time there has been an attack or a military Israeli invasion, since the scenario seems to always repeat itself; Arab leaders condemn the horrible attacks, people go out protesting in the streets around the world in front of Israeli embassies, a disappointing statement is issued from the UN general assembly, and a worse one is issued from the Arab league while Israelis wait for the black cloud of pressure to pass with the help of American winds.

The attack on the Freedom Flotilla turned people’s attention to the Israeli crimes and the atrocity that has befallen the activists on the ship. As usual Facebook activists and fighters dedicate their status to support Gaza, condemn and curse Israel, change their profile pictures and display solidarity and sympathy that one would only imagine that Palestine is on its way to being freed. Gazans should be very grateful for this kind of support because it’s exactly what they are lacking in these hard times.

Expressing feelings of disgust and resentment towards the Zionist attacks is clearly and perfectly understood, but it is just as impotent as the condemning speeches and statements made by Arab leaders, if any were made. What makes it worse is that it takes people from the other side of the world like Chavez and Galloway to actually be speaking and assuming the role that Arabs should be playing in breaking the siege on Gaza. What we do instead is that we take pride in actions these people do as if they are our own and seem to be counting on them to solve the Middle East crisis.

Now the new element that has been added to the scene, which is the Turkish involvement and stand against Israel, is dazzling millions of Arabs. People seem to have forgotten that nothing is done for the sake of altruism. For years Turkey has been trying tirelessly to join the join the EU, but it has gotten desperate and decided to take a bigger part in some other place. What better place would it be than the Arab World?

By the end of all this many would wonder, what are Arabs supposed to do? The oppressing regimes and the miserable economic conditions seem to always be pushing people to think only of their livelihoods and those of their families. Once we try and step up to speak, we are only good at blaming each other, and if there is no one to blame, we come up with conspiracies theories.

One would wonder, what should our reaction be? And will we ever be able to follow examples from our bright history of pride and honor instead of just talking about it as stories of chivalry and glory?

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