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اقرأ/ي للكاتب/ة أيضًا

  • November 21, 2019

    Qāl wa Qulnā: What the Letter Qāf means in Spoken Jordanian

    Over decades, the spoken dialect in Amman, particularly in terms of the pronunciation the letter Qāf, has changed. However, these changes were not the result of a natural evolution of communication tools, but a reflection of power relations in the communities in question.

  • August 7, 2019

    Tea with the Bogeyman: Towards an Arab Reading of Mona Hatoum

    Western critics have long sought to appropriate the works of Palestinian artist Mona Hatoum as indicative of “their modernity”. But it is precisely because of her complex position and background that she achieved fame and success, not in spite of them. By Yazan Loujami.

  • June 18, 2019

    ورشة حبر الثانية لكتابة المقال

    تستهدف الورشة تطوير قدرات المشاركين والمشاركات على كتابة المقالات التحليلية البحثية، ومنحهم المجال لتطوير اهتمامهم بموضوع محدد يودون الكتابة فيه.

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