WEF Blogging | In The Press Room

الجمعة 18 أيار 2007

The press room is not the most glorious place to be in such events; this much I’ve discovered. Around me are people from all over the world. In fact right next to me is an AP reporter who has not used deodorant since 1975. Luckily the place is air conditioned so the heat of the Dead Sea has not seeped into the King Hussein Convention Center. Moreover, the facilities are pretty decent. A big flat screen TV provides a live feed of the sessions that grunts members of the press are not privy to. The entire center is wired for wireless internet access, which is a must these days. The press room is littered with journalists and everyone is typing away, or on the phone or sifting through papers. Their voices however overshadow the speakers and half the time it’s difficult to hear what anyone is saying.

Right now the opening address by HM King Abdullah II has ended and the opening plenary session with the co-chairs is under way. I’ll be back to round up what some of these key figures have had to say, especially Fadi Ghandour, the CEO of Jordan’s ARAMEX.

Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, here’s a visual feel of what it’s like in the Press Room…

10 responses to “WEF Blogging | In The Press Room”

  1. Mohanned says:

    Good job, keep up man!

  2. Mohanned says:

    Good job, keep up man!

  3. hamede says:

    Good job and good luck to 7iber.

  4. hamede says:

    Good job and good luck to 7iber.

  5. Batir says:

    This is a fantastic work Naseem. I was there at the WEF opening this afternoon and If I knew you were there I could have met you. I am optimistic this small project will be bigger. I believe we are in need for some focused blogging about Jordan now and I hope this platform will be the one.

  6. Batir says:

    This is a fantastic work Naseem. I was there at the WEF opening this afternoon and If I knew you were there I could have met you. I am optimistic this small project will be bigger. I believe we are in need for some focused blogging about Jordan now and I hope this platform will be the one.

  7. Ryan Sadi says:

    I must say a this project has the potential to change a lot of things
    Good luck to you and hope to meet you soon

  8. Ryan Sadi says:

    I must say a this project has the potential to change a lot of things
    Good luck to you and hope to meet you soon

  9. pelican says:

    Great…..keep it up 🙂

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